Author Archives: Gwendolyn Best
August 8th Workshop
MATERIALS –Created by Math Journeys
- Pan Balance Activity Sheet 3
- Pan Balance Activity Sheet 4
- Pan Balance Activity Sheet Algebraic Properties (Grade 5)
- Pan Balance Activity Sheet Algebraic Properties (Grade 4)
- CRA Planning Template
- Patterns & Function Charts Recording Sheets
- Number Lines for INEQUALITIES
- Number Lines for INEQUALITIES 2
- Teacher-Led Distributive Property SLIDESHOW
- Teacher-Led Distributive Property RECORDING SHEET
- Modeling Equations SLIDESHOW
- Patterns WORKSTATION #1-part A
- Patterns WORKSTATION#1-part B
- Patterns WORKSTATION #2
- Multiplication Strategy Representation
Great Reads: Literature
- My Full Moon is Square
- Sea Squares
Great Reads: Professional Books
- Connecting Arithmetic to Algebra
- Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Algebra
- Algebra and the Elementary Classroom: Transforming Thinking, Transforming Practice
INTERNET LINKS Used During the Workshop
- Information on the Concrete-Representational-Abstract Approach — (CRA)
- Pan Balance (Numbers)
- Pan Balance (Expressions)
- Chairs Around the Table Lesson — by NCTM’s Illuminations
- Sea Squares Lesson Plan VIDEO from Tidewater Team
- Virginia Department of Education – Enhanced Scope & Sequence
- Virginia DOE Math Videos (ALL) (Distributive Property Strategy)
Twenty Ways To Make 10
Word Problems
We create and share resources to help teachers plan learning experiences that engage students in modeling, solving, and creating word problems.
This online game tests word problem comprehension. After reading a single-step word problem, the player determines which basic operation would solve the problem. Identifying the operation is the first step in successfully solving problems. We believe in coaching comprehension and visualization of the scenario in the word problems. Our strategies do NOT include teaching key words.
March 8th Workshop
Materials Used on March 8th
- List of Word Problem Topics You Created
- Twenty Ways to Make 10 –Listen to Students’ Word Problems
- Virginia DOE Math Videos (View Multi-Step Problem Solving Video)
- Ten Frame Diagram
- Addition Templates for Problems with Renaming
- Subration Templates for Problems with Renaming (Borrowing)
- Renaming Match –For use with Subtraction with Renaming (Borrowing)
- Bingo Cards
- Mental Math or Place Value Bingo Slideshow #1
- Mental Math or Place Value Bingo Slideshow #1 (Teacher Printout)
- Mental Math or Place Value Bingo Slideshow #2
- Mental Math or Place Value Bingo Slideshow #2 (Teacher Printout)
- Mental Math or Place Value Bingo Slideshow #3
- Mental Math or Place Value Bingo Slideshow #3 (Teacher Printout)
- Close to 25 Game – Includes Game Cards
- Close to 20 Game — Includes Game Cards
- Equality Activities –Grades 1 and 2 –Using the Illuminations Site “Pan Balance”
- Equality Activity Sheet –Partner Activity Recording Sheet –Using the Illuminations “Pan Balance”
- Internet Link to Pan Balance Illuminations Activity
- Equality Match –LARGE PRINT for Whole Group Activity
- Decimal Subtraction Sort
- Decimal Small-Group, Teacher-Led Activity
- Decimal Game for Partners – Sums and Differences
- Fraction Sort –Using HALF as a Benchmark
- Math Story Sample (American Christmas)
- Math Story Sample (The Best Thanksgiving)
- Winter Sale Price List
- Word Problems Workstation #1—Grade 5
- Word Problem Sort 1 – All Operations w/Whole Numbers
- Word Problem Sort 1 – All Operations w/Whole Numbers (Version 2)
- Word Problem Sort – Addition, Subtraction, Multi-Step
- Luigis Menu
- Luigis PowerPoint – Menu Math Slideshow
- Luigis Word Problems –Pizza Problem & Pasta Problems – Menu Math Multi-step Problems
- SOL 2.21 Teacher Notes
- SOL 2.21 PowerPoint
- Students Creating Word Problems –Teacher Tips Grades 3 – 5
- Math Language Project
- Ninth Street Deli Menu
- Teacher Led Distributive Property Recording Sheet
- Teacher-Led Distributive Property PowerPoint
- Open Sentence Sort
- Open Sentence Sort PowerPoint
- Reading a Ruler
- Probability Match Grade 3
- INTERNET LINK – Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA) Approach
- INTERNET LINK Video– Dylan William talks about Feedback
- INTERNET LINK Video – Dylan Willam defines Formative Assessment
Process Standards
We believe that student-centered math lessons are designed to include and promote the NCTM process standards. Read more at the NCTM site.
Communication: having students share their own mathematical thinking and benefit from the mathematical thinking of others; ideas are communicated through various means, including speaking, writing, drawing, and the use of manipulatives
Representation: helping students explore and understand the various ways that mathematical ideas are represented, including words, symbolic expressions, and graphical displays; allowing and encouraging students to use various appropriate representations to express their mathematical ideas
Connections: allowing and encouraging students to recognize and explore the interrelatedness of mathematical ideas, the connections between mathematics and other subjects, and the relevance of mathematics to their everyday lives
Problem Solving: having students grapple with tasks that require them to draw on prior knowledge, employ varied strategies, and develop new mathematical understanding; such tasks are thoughtfully selected, presented, and debriefed so that students develop positive learning traits such as persistence, curiosity, and confidence
Reasoning and Proof: having students make conjectures and develop ideas; allowing and encouraging students to explain, clarify, justify, defend, and revise their thinking
The CRA Approach
The Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) Instructional Approach is an intervention for mathematics instruction that research suggests can enhance the mathematics performance of students with learning disabilities. At Math Journeys, we know from experience that all students can benefit from this approach to mathematics instruction.
• Concrete. The “doing” stage using concrete objects to model problems
• Representational. The “seeing” stage using representations of the objects to model problems
• Abstract. The “symbolic” stage using abstract symbols to model problems
Our Image Gallery
Digital images can spark your creativity and the imagination of your students. Use these images in your own word problems, slideshows. You can also provide them for students to use in word problem assignments and projects.
Click here to go to the Image Gallery
Consider using them on your class website or blog.
The Principal’s Role in Mathematics Education: Instructional Leadership That Adds Up
This session is designed to equip instructional leaders with tools to support and improve mathematics education in their schools. We will explore a variety of topics and explore several resources and strategies to support teachers, inspire students, and make meaningful home-school connections.
This training is intended for leaders who want to impact and inspire their students and teachers. You will leave with a wealth of information, strategies, and tools that you can use for years to come. Participants will explore some of the best books, web resources, and publications that can be used to support continuous improvement in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Topics Include:
• NCTM Standards and the Virginia Curriculum Framework
• Lesson Planning and Lesson Study as Professional Development
• Supporting the Struggling Teacher—Easy, Systematic, Truly Supportive Strategies
• Differentiation, brain-compatible strategies, homework, family involvement, professional learning communities, and technology and their potential to make a positive impact on math education.
Computation, Cognition, & Concrete Materials
Strategies for coaching cognition are a must for any math teacher who wants students to be able to handle computation, develop and use number sense, and face multi-step word problems with confidence. Using manipulatives as a starting point, teachers can design learning experiences that build a rock solid foundation of deep conceptual understanding on which a tower of math skills can be built. The concrete-representational-abstract approach will be modeled in this session as participants explore a variety of computational strategies and practical problems involving whole numbers, decimals, & fractions.
Computation games for teacher-led small-group activities will be played during the session.